Ironically Free

Swing Free

The sun is setting on a year of change, loss, heartbreak, division, and depression as well as a year of resiliency, gratitude, healing, unity, and hope!

Individuals and communities pivoted, created, innovated, and grew through cancellations and restrictions.

I cried a little as we visited with friends on New Year’s Eve last year because I didn't have a ‘word’ for 2020 but mostly because I didn't know what I needed or what God had for the next year!

The start of a new year is usually my favorite time for reflecting and setting goals but last year I couldn't conjure up a vision—not even a word.

I was in a transition season and I felt vulnerable.

A decade of pregnancies tied me down in the most beautiful way, as I nursed and nurtured six babies (who now span from age two to ten). At the start of 2020, I could hear the first whispers of freedom as I began weaning my sixth baby…

I booked tickets for a concert with my husband and flights for a weekend trip with my sisters for later in the spring.

No sooner had I settled on a word—freedom—for the year then it felt more like a joke as life became dictated by infection counts, death reports, and cancellation after cancellation.

During the recalibrating, I was drawn more and more to my Bible for peace. This practice brought comfort in June as I mourned and celebrated the life of my ninety-year-old grandma and hero.

2020 awakened my soul!

I've believed in God since I asked Him into my heart at 2.5 years of age and as I grew in my faith and relationship with Jesus, I wanted to serve Him with my life—but this year, it was like I fell in love with Jesus again.

And I fell hard. His presence has brought me to tears so many times this year.

All of this was happening as I set this blog free in the summer. It fluttered around as I found my fall rhythm of homeschooling, homemaking, and hope-writing!

In Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg said: "I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want.  It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it."

When I said I’d lay down my life for Jesus at many missions conventions and youth conferences over the years, I didn't realize changing loads of laundry and diapers were holy sacrifices.

My foggy decade of sleep deprivation began with an identity crisis, inevitable for most new moms, and ended with a burning in my soul for the one who identifies me.

Charlene VandenBrink

Fresh fire, new wineskins—you name it, I'll claim it as a daughter of a King!

In the fall my church's online ladies group followed a video series from the book You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons.

It hit me, there was no mistake, 2020 was my year of freedom!

While still limited by COVID-19 restrictions and my big responsibility of caring for six children every day, my soul was free to grieve, free to heal, free to dream, free to be...


You don't need to have a special word for each year, but it can be a helpful way to frame a period of time.

My word for 2021 is ringing clear this time.


Wikipedia says: The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete. In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character.

This is my desire! For my whole life to be integrated with Christ and a reflection of His redeeming work.

In the summer, when my husband and I received prayer ministry for a few places we’d been clashing that was integrity! The Wonderful Counselor touched our hearts with His healing hand and brought deeper joy, unity, and peace to our home.


As I seek to lead in soulful living this year, I’m committed to going first—doing the hard and good work. To lead from a position of brokenness and wholeness.

My desire is for everything I share and create to be through God’s strength and for His glory!

I am SO excited for a new year and I made you a gift to celebrate:

Soul Care Gift:

These beautifully designed pages are my gift to you for monthly reflection & preparation!

They will guide you in taking care of your soul, so you can pour out to others.

If you receive Soulful Words you’ll find the direct link in my monthly email that goes out at the end of each month—or receive your gift here.


Book Reflections:

Many of you know I read a lot of books each year. I am aiming to write a monthly blog post on a soulful book, among other posts. I'll involve some friends in online book discussions and reflections over the year too!

Winter Giveaway:

Look for our next book giveaway (with a $25 coffee gift card) on social media in mid-January!

Facebook group:

Traveling Life Together is a brand-new group to encourage soulful living!

Social media is a busy place but this safe and inspiring community links us across gender and generations by our love for Jesus, our families, and our neighbors.

Whether you homeschool your children or care for your grandchildren we need your voice and light here!

Do you have a word for 2021?

Have a Happy New Year Friends!

Charlene VandenBrink

Charlene strings together soulful words for life’s beauty and struggles.

When not feeding her six children with good books and endless meals, she can be found walking and talking with neighbours, folding laundry while listening to a podcast, or reading and reflecting on her latest stack of books for seminary.

She also cheers on her husband, who runs their Edmonton-based renovation company. They welcomed six children in eight years and are living the dream of homeschooling and traveling life together!

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Anne of Green Gables